To shampoo daily or not
- Daily shampoo is required for people who exercises a lot (and sweats), or someone living in very humid place.
- Even if you have oily scalp, then daily washing is needed.
- Washing hair daily can be a healthy & personal choice.
Problems due to non-shampooing
- Hair gets dirty
- Oil, dirt and sweat build up can cause dandruff and clogged follicles on the scalp
- The above conditions affect the hair growth rate and its appearance
- Generates bad odour
Getting the right shampoo
- Picking up the right shampoo is a very vital aspect of an individual's hair care routine.
- Wrong hair care products can lead you to dermatitis or hair fall.
- Just keep the following things in mind
Oily Hair

- Hair appears oily when the sebaceous glands produce a higher quantity of oil/grease
- Prefer shampoo which are mild and contains natural ingredients
Dry hair
- Dry hair needs special hair nutrition
- Look for shampoo rich in vitamin E, milk proteins or wheat germ
Dandruff Trouble

- Shampoo with Coconut oil & Aloe Vera can be beneficial to fight dandruff
- It can also improve the quality of your hair
Hair Loss

- Hair loss can have multiple reasons
- Consult your doctor for the exact reason and solution